While in graduate school, I participated in the Venture Creation Competition with a few of my classmates to create the Memento wristband. Our project was one of the finalists in the competition, placing third overall. 

Memento is a smart wristband that connects directly to a networking app and keeps a record of the people that a user meets through a simple trigger: the handshake.

A business card, a name tag, a LinkedIn invitation to connect--when you go to an event and meet new people in your industry, it’s almost impossible to keep track of your connections in a seamless manner without distracting you from the conversation.


There are about 5000 conferences annually with 79 million attendees, however, conference organizers are at risk to maintain attendance numbers with the rise of virtual attendance. We created the wristband to enrich the conference experience for attendees with the benefit of seamless networking while giving conference organizers a boon for promoting in-person attendance.

We chose to introduce the wristband at conferences because it’s a closed circuit environment where every attendee wears a band as their conference badge. A simple handshake queues up a list within the app of everyone that the attendee met during a conference session. Later, the attendee can accept (or reject) the connection, keeping the wearer’s information secure until both opt in to exchange contact information.  


Memento Product